
This silicon gemstone, known as silicon carbide (SiC) alternatively known as carborundum, is commonly used in car brakes and bullet-proof vests by sintering it to have higher endurance.


Amsthyst, from the ancient greek meaning "not intoxicating", was worn and used as drinking vessels such as pitchers and cups as an omen to prevent drunkness, hence the meaning "not intoxicating".

Black Quartz

Quartz is the second most abbundant substance in the whole of the earths crust, colours can range from clear, coloured and even black (as shown).


Apophyllite, from the greek meaning "it flakes off", is often found in igneous rocks such as basalt and when heated flakes off due to dehydration. Apophyllite is divided into 3 classes, this would possibly be Apophyllite-(KOH) (formerly hydroxyapophyllite).


Quartz is the second most abbundant substance in the whole of the earths crust, colours can range from clear, coloured and even black.

Clear Quartz Crystal

Commonly quartz are six-sided prisms often doubled, intergrown and distorted. Quartz are normally found in sedimentary rocks such as sandstone, shale & other carbonate rocks.


Gemstones are stones that are considered precious or semi-precious, in the western nation this is determined by labeling diamond, ruby, saphire & emerald precious and the rest semi, some objects are considered as gemstones even though they are not mineral formed such as amber and jet.